Thursday, April 14, 2011

36 Why Don't You Have a Seat Over There?

NEW UPDATE @ bottom page: "Kid, you can't rap for shit!" - Tila Tequila to Justin Bieber.

Thanks to deluwiel for the link!

For those who have been keeping up with Tila's charade for long time, would know this nasty yellow alien porn star slash prostitute, has a deviant love for minors. We're not kidding. Why is this twat not in jail is still baffling beyond me. Anyways, this entry is rather short and to the point:

From RadarOnline article, prior to Justin's (God, I can't stand that kid) celebrity status, he'd posted a message to Tila under a pseudo name from YouTube:

Okay, I don't understand why this is suddenly popping out now, but I guess Tila wanted to use a famous name to get noticed. Yeah, what else is new? Yawn. I'm not really annoyed by the fact she's (again) using a famous name to stay relevant, I'm more disturbed by the fact she's literally promoting pedophilia. When he's 18, I'm gonna ask him out. Okay, first of all, I'm sure Justin is not into whores, and by the time he's eighteen, you'll be a senior hag. Pray he's into sagging vagina sluts. Woman, you're NOT 29 as you want people to believe. Secondly, Justin was a kid back then and although I don't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he has a second opinion about you now and is very embarrassed that you're trying to get people's attention with this bullshit. Not wise because Justin's fanbase are a bunch of psychotic dumbass girls and will flood your site with hateful comments...not that your shitty lacks of them, but the comments will be far worse than what they're normally are.

Gee, I hope none of the Justin fans are Tila haters, otherwise, she'll be at their mercy because one of them might publish her fake-ass mansion address! Remember that? Oh, that was truly an epic win!!! To end this entry, I would like to add:

Thanks to Monique for the link:

Like few past celebrities, Tila disses them, then praise them. *Cough* Michael Lohan and Chris Brown *cough*

Wow. Does Tila think she's black or something? Can I say g-o-o-kayyyy? Anyways, let me guess: For her, it's fine to rap (heavily autoned if I made add) in all her shitty embarrassing songs and act all gangsta, but a white boy can't? No wonder people fucking hates this whore.


Sobe said...

just this week she was bitching about how they were disrespecting her girl friend by saying she was going out with Tray. WTF does she think she is doing by saying she would ask out Justin when he is 18?

Anonymous said...

Because it's been longer than 10 minutes since she tweeted that. Therefore it doesn't exist anymore.

@OfficialMsTuna said...

This was on Twitter days ago, so I guess now we know that "Exclusive" to RadarOnline actually means "Shit no one else wants to print". lol

As deluwiel pointed out about the cunt's selective amnesia, I think Justin's fans need to see this post that came directly from Miss Tila herself from Oct. 15, 2010. I think she needs to explain what a "Wigger" is and why she would call him "Justin Wigger"?

Oh and don't worry, I grabbed a screenshot, since I am sure Tila will delete the post as soon as the shit hits the fan.

"But fast forward, not one, year, not 2 years, but fast forward only 6 freaking months after he broke out as a huge star (yes it only took 6 short months to feed his ego already) Justin Bieber, has officially turned into “JUSTIN WIGGER!”

Now there's a headline for you Radar Online "EXCLUSIVE: Tila Tequila Calls Justin Bieber a WIGGER."

BigPoppaPhat said...

Ya know in the 90's I thought Paula Abdul was hot and had good music, today I have a different opinion also. I hope Beibers fans do trash her site for name dropping, its gonna take her and homerbartt days to catch up deleting and HB's snappy comebacks.

Joann said...

This skank is so disgusting she makes me ill. She's in her 30's trying to pick up on 17 year old Justin just because he made a statement about her music video 3 years ago. I'm with you QOCAP....why is this coming out now?

All Justin was saying is her music video should be rated R, that he sings in his videos too and he would like her to check his out and tell him what she thinks. All Justin wanted to do was get his music out there.

Sounds to me Tila put a call out for struggling artists to send her their tapes/videos and she would listen to some, pick out a few and make them a star just like she does today then no one hears from her again.

Hmmmmm....I wonder if she takes their music, makes a few changes and says SHE wrote new songs.

Evidently, she's been running this(send in your tape and I'll make you a star)lie for a long time.

Whoever sent that article to ROL is probably the same person(Tila or someone she paid) who leaked the Tray rumor.

Justin don't want you Tila and he's not about to collaborate with you on anything. Dude is 100x a bigger star than you will ever hope to be and he made it in 4 years and you've been out here for 11 years, haven't went anywhere too much and it seems like now you're going backwards. Back off skank.

Michelle said...

Poor poor Tila she's on the edge of a "meltdown" again. Seems she's just a "tiny petite girl" (who clearly doesn't understand what the word redundant means) with the world on her shoulders..
I thought miss Tila was away until summer? Whoops guess that was another lie huh sweetie, never fear though your army will be scrambling to outdo each other with messages of how wonderful you are
Ech now I feel like hurling my cheeseburger yet again (thanks skank) guys check out her twitter it seems for yet again she's losing the plot. Or another calculated mission for pity attention

Joann said...

"So if anyone in Hollywood who see's a tiny girl incognito walking around town and crying, its probably me ur seeing under the incognito wear about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®"

Walking around Hollywood in "incognito wear"(lol) crying.....wait, didn't she tweet earlier this week she was currently out of town filming movies and projects, would not be tweeting anymore and would be gone until summer? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Tila's site is down. Domain expired. It's kind of hilarious.

For someone whose site was going to be the biggest thing in the entertainment world, who was going to blow Perez out of the water, who spent soooooo much time and soooooo much money on that thing.... she forgets to pay the $10 annual renewal fee.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha!! I saw that her flog was down too. I imagine Homerbart is in mid-meltdown. How the hell is he going to spend his days now?

(Can't wait to hear Tila's 'splanation for this. Something or someone else's fault, I'm sure.)

Joann said...

Anybody know what the beef is with missrihannanavy regarding Tila?

@OfficialMsTuna said...

She says she has had a beef with Tina since 2009. I believe it is because of this...

Joann said...

Thanks Monique. Tila said that about Rihanna 2 years ago...why is this being addressed all over again now?

Had me LOL at "I'm going 2 flood this crack whore" and when a couple of people tweeted her with "who is officialmstila".

Unknown said...

Tila wishes she was a rapper, I don't think she wishes she was black. Rapping in one really bad song (I Fucked the DJ) does not a rapper make.

BigPoppaPhat said...

She definitely thought she was a rapper at GOTJ lol.

BigPoppaPhat said...

Wow I just read the whole thing Tila wrote on Beiber, it gave me a headache. Usually i just skim over the higlighted parts. She has horrible grammatical skills. My 13 year old daughter can write a better structured paragraph. That's really sad.

Who in the hell gets excited to read that garbage? And to know its all hot air on top of that? It just makes me pity her fans even more.

Moogle said...

I'm so glad to see/know that a few regs have been maintaining the queefs and burps that makes up the hilariously snarky existential day-in-the-life of a horrid, lying, Picasso tittayed sociopathic narcissist.

I wanted to insert my single, dull copper thoughts in all things ridiculous arsed clown-toon called HomerBart (or whatevz). I too, join in the sentiments of those whom believe that "he" plays a role in the so-called "grand scheme of retarded chlamydia-whore things" that makes up a large portion of Ting Ting's life. He is there solely to "drive" up the hits. We ALL know this!

Some have speculated that she may be somewhat intelligent enough to pull of her scheming ways. But considering her drug fueled verbage and actions, one ought not to put too much stock into the slunt's pretend Erudite facade.

Thank you, QoCaP for allowing us a forum to rant. Something that TRS couldn't and wouldn't do leading up to their demise. ::shrugs:: (I'm still up for the ditty dirty on those girls!)

Sobe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Sobe said...

so Tila is finally having one of her lame ass contest. I hope somebody takes a camera & goes out to ask strangers if they want to be in the Tila Army. That will be gold seeing them go "what the hell is a Tila army? LOL

BigPoppaPhat said...

What's the 1000's of prizes? I wouldn't be surprised if a winner is not announced. Im sure it will end in a epic fail like everything else she does.

@OfficialMsTuna said...

Well her deck of playing cards is 52 prizes right there.

I can't wait to see how she picks her "Top 10 videos" out of the 4 that will be submitted. She couldn't even come up with a months worth of "Army Member of the Week".

BigPoppaPhat said...

Well it better be mmitje that wins cause she's been making stupid Tila fan videos for a while now. Watch the winner be homerbartt.

Joann said...

I can't wait to see how this contest turns out..LOL.

When do you guys think her new website will be up and running with all the "awesome" features for that nitwit army of hers...I'm going with 2015.

@OfficialMsTuna said...

I think her site will be revamped right after she gets her Grammy nomination.

Anonymous said...

She'll throw a bone to one of her randomly-picked "soldier's" and send out an autographed pic, then no one will ever hear another word about any contests ever, ever again.
I wonder what went down last weekend that caused her to wander around in her tiny petite incognito wear sobbing on the streets of Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

omg - just got done wading through the comments on her post about the contest. Okay, the first page and a half are from pretty much every nitwit Army member whining about how they don't have an iPhone so she's telling them to just make a video and post it to YouTube (so much for getting people to download her app - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA).The rest of it is HomerBartt gleefully informing Tila that he "did something naughty" while looking at her picture and then the classic HomerBartt/hater banter ensues for another couple of pages. Finally, someone who says she's a fan wrote a long post about how Homer is disrespecting Tila with his dirty posts and needs to back off. Hilarious. It's like 7th grade over there.

@OfficialMsTuna said...

The person playing "Homer" is getting careless in how they "speak" and it is becoming more and more obvious that "he" isn't a 26 yr old man living in Sweden. I can't believe Tina is letting this charade continue. I am happy that she is, because it just makes her look like a washed-up, aging z-lister with ONE true fan that is a pathetic loser who at one minute wants to "make love to her only if Tina would let me" to "doing naughty things to himself".

I really wouldn't give a shit if she had a contest or not if she hadn't promised that it would help Japan.

"@officialmstila: Im working this entire weekend w/my team to come up w/ fun contests so u can win free stuff AND help Japan @ same time!"

"@officialmstila: I want my #TilaArmy involved, Sooo the contests and free giveaways announced next week 2 help Japan"

"Next week" turned out to be over a month later. Why lie Tila? We are talking about human suffering and people that REALLY need help! But YOU had to use it for YOUR advantage. You make me sick! Karma is a BITCH!

Michelle said...

Deluwiel I agree - Im on holidays at the moment so went to check the flog out, seems a few people are cottoning on to the fact homer isn't who he says he is...
What can I say this shit entertains me :)
Real or fake homer is the one that keeps the flog going, I find it funny how none of the army responds to him on there yet they do on twitter. It was gross to read his comments about being "naughty" although when tina puts grotty shots of herself on there you can't blame some for returning the favour
Tilabrat though is another story or do you think he's on the scam too? I still haven't made my mind up completely whether homer is real but after seeing his comments becoming more outlandish and attention provoking, the more I think it is something Tina has cooked up.
On another note I was sorta disappointed not to see the bieber fans cut loose on her flog would have provide some decent laughs if they had. The only ones more crazy then the army are the beliebers...

@OfficialMsTuna said...

Do you think I should enter the contest? lol

Joann said...

LMAO....most definitely enter the contest. Your video was hilarious. I would love to see the expression on her mug when she views it.

Celebrity Blogging For Newbies and the Stupidity pic with the caption underneath were my favorites but they were all funny.

Give yourself a pat on the back Monique for a job well done.

Michelle said...

Monique what's the name of yor video? The link didn't work for me on my iPhone which is the only Internet access I have while on holidays - really want to check yours out
I was however able to view the vid on the flog and it all makes sense to me now why the crazees in the freak army idolize Tina. Those kids are beyond crazy actually, all of them with this odd menacing glint in their eyes...(shudders...) especially that lissy freak and BBJ. That girl is supposed to be the same age as me and yet she is clutching onto a Teddy bear or something for dear life looking like a five year old. Not that I have anything against teddys but seriously..there's all kinda many wrong things about that picture

Anonymous said...

I loved your video Monique. It made me LOL. You should win 1st prize.

@OfficialMsTuna said...

Yay! Glad you liked it! You know I wouldn't be surprised if I won. Tina knows she would save herself a prize. I created all those pictures in the slideshow. Luckily TRS still had them. I really like the Miss Tina's Mogul Limozeen. If you look closely the driver is Tina's sister.

@Michelle you can search YouTube for "JelisHater", that's my user name.

Tina will probably never even look at my video since the title is "Tila Tequila's contest to benefit Japan".

Anonymous said...

Monique - well done, I am truly impressed!!

Anonymous said...

Link to Homer's youtube page (nothing terribly interesting on it, but thought would save anyone else the trouble later!)

Queen of Copy and Paste said...

Awesome video, Monique! I had a good laugh and needed it. Thanks! :)

Joann said...

@khandersuk....I heard drums being played but the screen was totally black.

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