Hello to my fellow readers! I hope you guys like the new design! If not, sorry to disappoint you! In celebration of QOCAP.BLOGSPOT.COM's 1st birthday, I've decided to give my beloved blog a brand new layout!
I hope the new code I've put in works. I'm a very picky person and love Firefox, so I have not tested my designs on other browsers. Anyways, I want to thank to everyone for visiting this place and highly appreciates your participation!
Sincerely, QOCAP
Awesome new look, QOCAP! Congrats!!
Looks good!
Love it QOCAP!
Love the new look. You and your "WEB TEAM" did a great job..
HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY QOCAP!!!I love the new layout.
I don't like how quickly you changed your site QOCAP. I would of liked at least 9 days to anticipate what it would look like. Also a countdown clock, because time is so hard to understand for people like myself with no knowledge of quantum physics. But whatever, it's your site. @;-)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for giving us a place to laugh at the sad pathetic life of permafailure Tila Tequila. Long live the Queen!
@Monique - LOLOLOLOL!!! Love the layout - easier to read for me. So, are you gonna have a Green Screen?
Glad you're back. The last 2 days have been bleak without you all.
Thumbs up (haha)
Happy birthday QOCAP and congrats on the new layout, awesome on both counts :)
Here's to many more lulz-filled years and a big thank you for keeping this site going. The Tina bitch isn't easy to stomach on a good day but you and many of the posters here continue to keep calling her out on her bullshit so a big cheers to you all!!!
Happy "B" day QOCAP. Feeling your new setup....very nice. Your site looks much brighter this way.
Thanks for all of your hard work. I know it's not an easy job. Love the buck-tooth Tila up top. lol.
I went to your alienese page. I read SOME of the RWC part 6. It's too early to be drinking and that's the only way I would be able to get through all of #6 but I give you kudos for going through all of her wedding commentary nonsense and putting it in print.
LOL @ Monique.....like your sense of humor girl.
Thank you, everyone! I do my best! It's a shame poor Miss Hogul won't personally thank me for creating this blog, but it was expected.
BTW, I checked this blog on my phone and the links on top are listed in vertical, not horizontal. WTF?! Anyone having the same issue? Not, that it is an issue...
Looks fine from my phone.
This is for publicity only. She could care less about people driving and drinking.
Check out the other people who will participate in this public service announcement.
Three comments were deleted, mine included. This was done while blogger was fixing whatever needed to be fixed and strangely deleted some of the comments here. For that, I apologize.
Haha you pulled a tila and went on a deleting spree!
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