Wednesday, July 27, 2011

8 Howard Stern Fucks $5 Dollar Whore Again

Last week, I was asked if Miss Tila ever received her high school diploma or GED and my response was I don't know and began mocking about her interest of returning to college (fuck adopting and helping single mothers out there) and surprise, surprise, got a tweet by the hogul herself:

Don't you just love the contraction? And I don't know if this twat got too anal, but I never said the bitch never graduated. What a dumbass. Anyways, for those who don't use twitter, their block system is weird. When you check your @ messages, obviously the people you've blocked won't show up. However, if you type your name in the search box, all messages that are tweeted to you can be seen, even the people you've blocked. So, um, whatever the fuck you say you stupid ugly-looking whore.

Now that the interview (audio only) with Howard Stern is out, I can finally do my review. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I can't stand Howard Stern and don't watch his shows but from listening to his interviews with the hogul, he asks millions of dumb questions and rarely gives Tila her time to reply. Very annoying. Since the interview is full of shit, I'll let you play the game by spotting her lies yourself. chipped in their opinion about this, too:

For those who are new Tila haters, first of all, welcome, and secondly, this is Tila's second interview with Mr.Stern who probably has a sex addiction, let alone, a misogynist with a flirtatious and friendly attitude toward women guests, so not a complete asshole while on air. Being a guest on his show is something I wouldn't be very proud of, seriously. If you want to be treated like a sex object, then Howard Stern is the man to go to and Miss Tila wouldn't hesitate doing so.

This is the last year's interview:

This is the latest:

In this clip, Tila touches herself down there, talking dirty, and orgasming while riding the Sybian. What a whore!

Honestly, they literally talked about the same shit. And Tila calls people perverts when she's an enabler? If you ask me, Tila is the most perverted mentally ill person to exist. She'll likely rape anyone and I mean, anyone to get off if you ask me. It's very sad most of her small group of fans who are minors, looks up to this pathological lying whore. Guys and gals who are trash will find Tila pretty. Guys and gals who have expensive taste and high standards will beg to differ. Who can get off fucking a girl with a loose black vagina like Tila's?

Besides the Sybian and jacking off on it (the studio better clean it very well), it's funny how Tila is playing innocent and wondering why she's hated. She clearly knows but doesn't want to answer because it'll ruin her image. Well, for her sake, I hope new fans won't find this blog.

Want to know what the whore looks when reaching climax (not my crab)?
Yeah, not so pretty. Anyways, when asked about her arm, it's pathetic she's pointing fingers at her alter ego, Jane (not Garry Sun), again. In order to suffer multiple personality disorder, usually the sufferers don't remember or "black out". Tila, on the other hand, vividly remembers and was able to give out details of what Jane did while she was "blacked out". Like claiming to be allgeric to alcohol, the midget bitch is lying and is full of shit. Now, when it comes to being bipolar, that, I'll likely believe. So, Tila, drop your terrible act and get a fucking job.


Joann said...

We knew all along Tila is a pathological liar, no talent delusional slut and all round piece of trash and she demonstrated it today by her actions and words on the Howard Stern show today proving what haters have said all along about her.

Thank you make it so easy for us. LMAO. She was a joke in Cali and she's a joke in NYC.

Mimi said...

HAHAHAhha I love how she can bring out the different personalities!!!!!!!! TOTALLY NOT possible and verifiable proof the bitch is lying about having multiple personalities. I can't recall what Howard said exactly, but at one point he said something to her when she was talking about her personalities that made me laugh so hard I had tears....I'll have to find it and quote it later! She is even stupider than I thought...and I didn't think that was possible!

Anonymous said...

that's all.

I thought this whole fiasco was supposed to be promoting her music and not her whoreness.

Howard Stern: "This girl's a pro." yes. yes she is.

Anonymous said...

omg. I just listened to her bullshit fabrications about her 'multiple personalities'. 'Owen' is a new one - an old British guy. WTF? She claims that in the Jane 'attack' she was in a physical struggle for a knife WITH HERSELF. Jesus Christ. Freakin' mocking a legitimate, serious, devastating mental illness. Acting like she can just pull these stupid 'personalities' out of thin air every other minute. She's such a horrible, horrible liar. She even says she's schizophrenic which has NOTHING to do with dissociative identity disorder. I hate her. I really do.

Unknown said...

As a schitzo-effective I can say that she's totally full of shit.

Unknown said...

oh and btw qocap not to be snotty but you spelled delete wrong in your deleted vids section

Joann said...

"OfficialMsTila The great news is that, Sirius had such a great response from everyone who tuned in that they invited me back for next week! Woop! Woop! :)"

Ok...let's see if this happens!!!

Boqueefa said...

As someone who has from bi-polar she isn't, she likes to say she is so she has an excuse to be a nutjob, most of us who are bi-polar yes we are addicted to the highs and try to make em last as long as we can but when we crash its bad very very bad, not only does it hurt mentally but also psychically because you over-do yourself. I'm medicated and I still get my highs and lows if she is so concerned with her mental illnesses she should be seeking more therapy and be medicated.