Thursday, November 3, 2011

35 Help Us Make Tila Lose Her Badge!

It has finally brought to my attention by my followers that Tila has violated Twitter's conditions regarding about verification status.
If you have an account with twitter and want to piss off Tila, now's your chance by reporting her as spam because her site is still inaccessible, which is a violation to its verification term. What are the chances of twitter staffs checking this blog? Unlikely. Anyways, perhaps this will encourage her to get her site back up running, despite the fact she rarely updates it...ya think?


Unknown said...

Her blog lasted longer than Kim K.'s marriage, not by much though

Joann said...

I don't have a twitter acct so I can't join in on the fun.

BigPoppaPhat said...

When was the launch of her "state of the art" blog? I gave it 6 months until its shut down.

Joann said...

Tila tweeted she had a Playboy radio interview about her Celebrity Boxing Match on Nov. 5th.

I wouldn't pay a dime to see it myself and if these "fights" aren't fixed and I hope she get knocked the f*ck out.

I remember when Octomom had her "fight". Tila has fallen even lower than hosting dive bar events in lingerie.

This "celebrity" boxing match must be the last rung on the ladder for her...... she's on the same level as Octomom now.

FUYU said...

Done and done on both mine and husband's account. XD

Anonymous said...

she's still tweeting about posting blogs from her new laptop. I don't think she even knows her own fail website is down! I haven't seen any tweets from her so-called generals or army asking about it or even mentioning it. It's all so fucked up I can't even believe it.

FUYU said...

The AOI also appear to be ignoring that all of those tweets about blogging and her new laptop are from her blackberry as well *face palm*

RockitQueen said...

I just saw an ad for the "celebrity boxing" match she's taking part in and the commercial mentioned Lou Bellaria but not the Gremlin..that's freaking bad! hahahaha!

Michelle said...

Oh gross!! Has anyone seen her twitpic boxing match "outfit"?? Her ribs are sticking out so bad and she looks like hell...not so surprising but the ironic thing is her twit pic before was from the old old days when she still looked fresh and was a shock that she would post such contrasting photos of herself especially as the most recent one shows just how far she's fallen

Queen of Copy and Paste said...

Definitely not hot. In any case, I hope her opponent ruptures her fake wonky titties.

Anonymous said...

Tina has truly hit rock bottom with this stupid "Boxing Match". For those who have not seen it you can catch it here:

Her opponent was Cami Parker.
Now I know everyone is asking who the hell is that? Well, she is a hooker from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch an infamous Nevada Brothel.

Tina's having to humiliate herself by doing this so called boxing event just proves that her so called career has hit rock bottom.

I guess the only upside to appearing at this event is that she can talk to the pimp that runs the Brothel and get the details on renting a room to make more money on her back which is her true talent.

Here is her most recent Twitter post:

OfficialMsTila Miss Tila
Waaatuuppp! Tila Sexquila in tha house tonight! Lol my new name haha :)
2 hours ago

Joann said...

The pic of her in that black sheer top with shorts or whatever it was looked horrible on her. Her bottom rib bone was sticking out...just a mess.

I was hoping she would get the hell knocked out of her but after seeing the clip the entire event was nothing but a bunch of foolishness but at least she lost.

AfRa said...

Hi! What I would like to know is how the hell did she get a show on MTV a few years ago? That's how I heard of her.
I mean why didn't anybody on MTV check her out? Or so many sluts applied that they didn't have the time to sort them out?
I really think she has mental issues and is a pathological liar.

Michelle said...

I can't find the video on YouTube, what's the name of the vid? I used the address link from RC's post but it came up saying no video, maybe it's an iphone thing but unfortunately nothing came remotely close even after many different searches
I did accidentally stumble on her "interview" with the Russian boxer from her imagossipbloggerjealousofeveryone phase and to say it was awful is putting it nicely. Today's tuna is just as fcked up as every other version of her, maybe even more so now that she doesn't even have a website.
And while I'm here what exactly happened with HB? very clever :)

Joann said...

Michelle....I tried RC's link this morning and it worked fine for me.

I got this link from GRR. It's only about 15 seconds long but it gives you an idea of what's going on....which is a bunch of nonsense just like anything else this skank does.

I don't know anything about HB other than he's a bigger idiot than the rest of her AOI.

Anonymous said...

Michelle said...

"I can't find the video on YouTube, what's the name of the vid? I used the address link from RC's post but it came up saying no video, maybe it's an iphone thing but unfortunately nothing came remotely close even after many different searches".

Link still works fine, try searching for file name: TILA TEQUILA KICKS ASS

Joann said...

This living from the bottom of the barrel skank is tweeting about how enchanted her life is. She should blog about it so all of us can read about her wonderful life...oh wait...lying skank don't have a laptop...or a blog site. lol.

AfRa said...

Recently she tweeted she is a clairwoyant and can hear peoples thoughts.
I still remember how she braged about beeing No 1 on youtube- some of her olame videos actually did get most rewives but that was beacause everybody wanted to see who is Billy Corgan hanging out with.
One day she will earn the title of being The biggest famewhore of all times.

Michelle said...

Thanks RC & Joann, it worked this time :) I blame my iPhone service mobile servicer, not sure if vodafone is a provider in the states but they're terrible here in australia..
Well she sure took a hit or two off the pipe before getting into that boxing ring, only way she could possibly have gotten any energy to bounce around on her skeletal frame with the plastic wonky beachballs she calls her chest

Even from the thousands of kilometres (or miles to my American friends) I am away from her I can still feel the absolute desperation dripping from her for any sort of "celebrity" endorsement no matter how triple z list the event may be

What I don't get is that she's given up her daily dose of blind idiot worship comments from her website. Or that's she's given up her hater comments on there too. I know the trick is lazy but she's also extremely narcissistic and her website was the perfect forum to give her non stop attention. Even her twitter fans are dwindling down to double digits (commenting on her tweets I mean, not the number of followers)

Just wondering if this is a reflection of her drug use getting to the point of no return or is she really and truly utterly broke? My guess is a mix of both and while I don't wish any harm or death on the girl I hope it does mean shes on the fastback to fading completely into obscurity for good. Time for some decent role models out there for young people, the likes of tuna, kartrashians, bieber, blohan and the rest feature far too prominently in daily news and it's scary

Ok off my soap box now!! Have a good night all :)

RockitQueen said...

Fast forward to about 2:20 to see the skank doing her pre-fight interview. You can see she's acting like a total twat and then turns on the charm when they start recording. Then she starts blathering about how she used to box and street fight and she's petite, blah blah blah. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Anonymous said...

@RockitQueen - I know! She's acting like a complete bitch until she knows she's being recorded.

I actually didn't think she looked too bad in the ring, she got a couple of pretty good shots on Cami but her midget reach is too short. All Cami needed to do is put her glove on Tuna's forehead and hold her at arm's length and watch her flail around. Now THAT would've been entertaining!

Joann said...

Michelle said..."wondering if this is a reflection of her drug use getting to the point of no return or is she really and truly utterly broke? My guess is a mix of both"......I totally agree with you Michelle.

She's has no talent, dresses worse than she did before, her fake boobs(which she relies on to get attention) are starting to look more and more unappealing each day, she looks like a skeleton, she's insecure, broke, a failure(mogul, singer, serious actress) and the list goes on. I don't even think the porn movie was as big a hit as she thought it would be.

She wants people to believe she is on top and calling the shots with this gangsta girl/diva bullshit and the drugs gives her the courage to do this. Tila will either OD and wind up in the hospital or get the crap beat out of her and wind up in the hospital or go to jail.

FUYU said...

Just a thought, but a lot of people are jumping on the idea that the person who uploaded one of the videos for the match is Tila's sister. I don't believe it. My suspicions could be wrong, but you never know...

She said on her TL that her "sister rented" the lambo in her picture and had to return it, then everyone assumed that it's Tinatuna's sister. I have a strong suspicion that the picture(s) that she was using isn't even hers and she is just going along with what everyone on Twitter is thinking. Although she didn't actually SAY Tinatuna is her sister... seems like she baited, got someone to bite and now just playing along. Reminds me of some SKYYgal that liked to pretend to be other people that "knew" Tinatuna.

Joann said...

"Ughh so annoying! I finally get a new laptop and now internet is down! Whyyyyy!?! I wanna blog and post new pix and videos! Waaaaah! :(
4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®".

Tila wants to blog and post pics but the internet is down even though she's on the internet while she tweets it's down.

Michelle said...

Joann my thoughts exactly!! Isn't it just such a coincidence that poor tuna can't get her Internet to work properly...for the five hundreth time
Come up with a new lie tila I'm bored already! There is no laptop just like she isn't living in NYC, just like there are no foreign girls living with her and just like there are no movies or tv shows in the pipeline...
And yet the AOI will continue to fall for it hook line and sinker but like the saying goes water seeks it's own level so they deserve each other and all the bullshit spewing from their leader every day of her wretched life...
Tila I have no emotion left for you but boredom. Your lies, especially about miscarrying, used to upset me particularly as the things you lied so callously about have actually happened to me but now I'm simply over it. Another day, another lie, another person you fuck over...just go away for good now, there's nothing left for you to do to cause attention when youve done it all so many times before

Joann said...

Tila has begged/borrowed/stole/someone's laptop and is tweeting: "I'm so happy right now! My internet is working again! Geaaaaa! But now my website is down"
2 hours ago via web"

Can you believe a 35+ year old broke down skank would tweet something as asinine as that.

Saying "my internet is down" is stupid enough but to act like she didn't know her piece of crap site has been down for what....two months.... only proves what the Hater's have been saying all along.....she's a habitual liar.

Joann said...

Someone posted this link on the skank's twitter and it's hilarious. If you want a good laugh today you need to read this.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Tina finally scraped up enough money to pay here site hosting fees. Lets see if she adds any new content on the craptastic website anytime soon....

BigPoppaPhat said...

@Joann that link was great. Also the 500+ comments are golden too. I wonder what happened to that razB guy almost two years later under Tilas epic management firm? Sometimes I wonder if she actually believes what she writes, or she just writes that stuff knowing her few loyal fans will praise her over it and not question the absurd claims she makes.

Unknown said...

performance of "you can dance"

Joann said...

Oh my lord. That was beyond bad. The song was bad and her "singing/lip synching" it was worst than that but the highlight(to me) of the entire video was the back up "dancers".

It looks like the club found some random dudes hanging on the street corner and paid them to back up Tila. The jock straps with knee high tube top socks and gym shoes was a nice touch. Bumping into each other, grinding their stomachs....funny as hell. Thanks Awwsumkitteh.

@BigPoppaPhat....I don't know what happen to Raz B. The last thing I heard about him was earlier this year when he was calling out some of his rap buddies on twitter saying they were on the DL. I'm not into rap and didn't follow what happen with that.

I wonder what happen to Rob? The dude from Australia Tila was suppose to bring over here and make him a star. lol.

FUYU said...

Awwsumkitteh, thanks for the link to that video. I just want to gouge my eyes out and burn them now lol =_=

Joann, He (Rob) changed his twitter name to "Therobvegas".!/Therobvegas/

He even admitted that "it didn't go as planned".!/Therobvegas/status/134184091028422656

Joann said...

Hahaha...didn't go as planned....that's an understatement. Thanks FUYU.

Michelle said...

Small correction guys, Rob's from new Zealand, not Australia. As an Aussie we dont want tuna associated with any of us so had to point that one out :)

Thanks for the buzznet link Joann, i cracked up over nearly every single one of those hundreds of comments, almost makes me miss the days of OMG where the hater comments would almost make me die with laughter...speaking of that, has the skank got her website up or is she still the only one in the world without Internet connection?

Michelle said...

Just checked her website out and to my surprise she IS back blogging, guess one of her businessmen paid her a couple of bucks for her "services" so she can afford it now for the time being
The latest blog entry is nothing but a one and a half minute spaced out voice message where she repeats herself over and over and tells her fans nothing. Except of course another hint at tilatv...yawn...tuna is as drugged out as ever and conveniently doesn't give any concrete evidence for her upcoming projects but nothing new on that score anyway.
And as per usual the army are lapping it up and eagerly awaiting her daily blogs (yeah right...) so all in all it's the same old tuna
Like I mentioned in my last post, kinda miss the old days where the haters left hilarious comments that threw her and her lies to the ground...she's just so damn boring now and if it wasn't for this blog and ghost rider's I wouldn't bother with her at all. But you guys keep me laughing so thanks to all on here and over at GRR :)