Friday, March 4, 2011

86 I Miss the Old Train Wreck

You may agree or disagree with my opinions but I honestly think Tila is becoming extremely boring. Granted, many of us have scolded and demanded her to grow the fuck up but ever since the rise of her infamy, Tila's only strategy to draw our attention was by being...well, a train wreck or taking off her clothes and we're all used to it. Her attempt of growing up may do her more harm than good. Why? Perhaps it's just me, but I think most people would rather watch her erratic behaviors than watch her being sober. I'm sure Tila's sex tape have been viewed more than her dumb long time ago reality shows, if not, it will eventually.

Her statement of growing up and feeling like a woman now since last year is pathetic. Tila's dream of becoming an actress may be coming true, empathize "an actress" but if she dreams of becoming a huge actress, she better keep dreaming. Let's presume she's really 29. Study her past and you might think because of her bad reputation, she's already fucked and has no chance of being taken seriously, let alone, who the fuck does she think she is with no real professional training in acting and singing to begin with? Dim-witted morons like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian had their sex tapes released, and sure enough, their names are known, but does that mean they're least in the acting fields? Um, hell to the fuck no!

Hollywood is very prejudice. Even age has no exception to discrimination and Tila being 29, is considered an old lady. Not to mention, the lack of American Asian stars. I suspect with recent plastic surgeries Tila's done, she's determined to look shall I say this without offending people? Tila can go under the knives all she wants, but people already know she's Asian. So, with those being said, does Tila truly want to be a "huge actress" or does she want the same quality fame like Paris Hilton of I was known for my sex tape? Apparently, yes. You have to be that stupid to believe her excuse. No way in hell her sex tape was for private viewing. if Tila boast about making millions (see Retweets page for example), let alone, claimed to be a mogul, then I have no doubt fishing the CEO of Vivid Entertainment one million dollars (Jesus Christ that skank is not worth a penny!) wasn't going to be a problem.

But let's be real here, Tila. Vivid offered you $400,000 if you made a sex tape and knowing your career wasn't improving resorted to this decision to boost your career and rent pays. That tape is not even a year old, so I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about it being years old. Based on that hairdo from your tape, it was filmed sometime in mid 2010. Same hairdo years ago? Really? You don't look young from the tape, another evidence. You're lucky I don't want to dish out my hard-earned money to purchase the video to see if you have the scars on your arm. Which, I'm hoping a nice reader is willing to email me high-quality screencaps of your arm (no file attachments please) to determine if it was filmed after your fake suicidal attempt back in June 2010. So, fake suicidal attempt and sex tape? Can we say fucking desperate?

So, what is my point? Simple. Because Tila's stunts offer her some media spotlight where she's lucky some people sort of gives a damn, being sober and acting mature may actually go against her. Now, I've never seen a single episode of the Jersey Shore, but from what I've read, it's a bunch of people acting crazy. Imagine what they're known for suddenly they're calm and act mature and stop whatever they usually do. You can bet their viewers would be like what the fuck and lose interest. In this case, while Tila herself is very uninteresting, but her old personality was pretty amusing. Sure, there were moments where I wanted to beat the hell out of her and worse, but it's all for the show and her latest "show" has been bland which explains the lack of entries.

Her attempt of acting mature is fake. I don't think she's sincere. If Tila made a New Year's Resolution of smoke quitting on December 6th and then caught smoking in late January, what makes us think she's really sober? Hell, I believe she's still drugging. Do I care if she drugs? I don't care if she overdoses, but it makes me want to punch her ugly face because of her constant deceptions. Bitch can't be honest about anything. So, I'm not afraid to say the new Tila Tequila or Tila Wynn is just another sham and staying the old Tila Tequila guarantees our attention and have us talking about her. Shit, sometimes I forget I still have this blog.

I've been running this blog since May and it's March now. As time flies, our perceptions have the opportunities to change or remain the same. I've demanded Tila to grow the fuck up. When was my latest, I don't know, but this is kind of like a paradox: I want her to grow up, but again, I really miss her old crack days and enjoyed watching her do shit like cutting her arm and act like a complete psycho. So, I can't place myself where I want this skank to be. It's no fun when you're trying to act normal. I love to see more cutting, more rantings. It's what helped Tila get noticed, not her midget deformed body. There are way hotter Asian girls out there than Tila Tequila and they're not known, so why Tila?


Joann said...

I agree with you 100%. Tila IS quite boring now. Just goes to show you she has no talent that will hold anybody's attention other than being a trainwreck.

The only time she really entertained me was when she was doing her meth rants on twitter year before last.

Man that was some funny stuff. I know that sounds cruel but it's the truth. Skank had me ROTFLMAO.

Now that she's trying to "grow up" she is boring beyond words. We all know this "actress" thing is going to tank and when it does she'll either try another identity that will fail or she will go back to being a trainwreck to get the attention from the public that she craves and can't do without.


Mimi said...

From what I have been able to tell (guess), I think she filmed the porno sometime in July- most likely early to mid July (around July 16 or just before). That's my guess, for what it's worth based on various things I have read or come across.


BigPoppaPhat said...

At least she still has her googly eyes! I can't get enough of that! Lol. (.),(°)


Anonymous said...

I think it's only a matter of time before she reverts to her psycho ways. She's an attention whore after all, and whatever she's doing now isn't getting much attention. She must spend alot of time deleting comments from her flog, beccause all that's left is her AOI fauning over her. Even that gets boring after awhile...must get boring to her, even. Funny thing is, once her AOI grows up and moves on, the next bunch of naive idiots won't even know who she is...then what?


Hanah said...

Haha, last night's rant was kinda funny, you have to admit that. Did you know you can't do reality AND movies together? LOL


Anonymous said...

She's still trying to get the attention of James Franco!


Joann said...

@khandersuk....and Charlie Sheen.


RockitQueen said...

I like how she tweets Dave Chappelle, Charlie Sheen and James Franco and then tweets a message again as if they responded to her. She thinks she's being really slick, and she probably is fooling the AOI. What a freak!


alison m m said...

bahahahahahaha!! she is still fucked


Queen of Copy and Paste said...

Worst Picture in the Best Picture category? The King's Speech? Are you fucking kidding me?!!!! That movie was excellent, besides The Fighter (which was way better IMO). That alien twat detest historic films because it encourages you to learn something. Pussy-eating whore doesn't understand History or really didn't see the wonderful film except the trailer and judged it that way instead, go figure!

"So mark my words, if I saw this vivid vision" When I read those words, I thought she was mentioning about her Vivid Entertainment sex tape.

Anyways, Tila, sweetie, you have NO talent whatsoever to win an Oscar. You have to work twice as hard considering the fact your Asian and no one takes you seriously. It ain't gonna happen! And please fucking understand NOT everybody wants to win an Oscar. Life is not about winning to earn a small worthless object, so get that message through your head. This includes to other narcissistic celebrities who thinks the world loves them. Guess again you dumbass freaks. I couldn't care if you guys die because I don't even know you. Love and respect are earned, not given.

Gee, I wonder which is more important? Helping people or trying to win an Oscar. Hmmmm...hard guess!!


Joann said...

From the link alison m m posted:
"Hi Tila! What are you hoping will win the Oscar for Best Picture this year?

I think Black Swan has the best chance of winning because there hasn’t been a movie that really gives the audience an inside look of what these ballet dancers have to go through, and all that pressure put on them." usual she don't a clue. That's now what the picture is about.

Thanks for the link alison.


Joann said...

meant "she don't have a clue".


Joann said...

Tila tweeted: "I have GREAT NEWS about my music video! It'll premiere on March 10th on MTV but I'll post a blog about it tomorrow 4 more detail! 3 minutes ago via web".

They do play music videos on MTV but it's in the early morning hours so I don't know who's gonna see it and her AOI's have to be in bed early for school the next day. lol


Anonymous said...

omg. first of all, there's no freaking way she actually said this: "With James Franco’s outspoken wit and Anne Hathaway’s girl-next-door sweetness, this couldn’t have been a better pairing to make this year’s Oscar ceremony memorable! We should be expecting a lot of the unexpected as well as a lot of laughs this year!" are you kidding me? I also had to LOL at describing Tila as an "industry outsider" - ouch. That's gotta hurt, huh Tina?


Hannah said...

She is so desperate. James Franco is way out of your league, Tila! And when you start losing your haters, you know your "fame" (or should I say notoriety) is quickly dwindling.

You're right qocap. She's gotten boring. She doesn't have the talent to keep anyone over the age of 16 who's not a perv's interest so being a trainwreck was the only thing that made her entertaining. Without that she's not interesting at all.


Hanah said...

Haha I love how she posted a blog post and wrote about herself in the third person "Tila went out with girlfriends this weekend. Here she is leaving the Roxbury in a sexy form fitting mini dress and a simple black blazer. Gotta love the dark hair & beautiful cat eyes. (Click on pics for full HQ size)" Tina, we know no one else would describe in such a way but yourself LOL and she looks really drunk in those pics FAIL


@OfficialMsTuna said...

Tila Tequila And Her Girlfriend Party at Roxbury Nightclub


Bannana Smoothie said...

How to Identify a Narcissist:

1. See if they have the signature trait. A narcissist will try to convince the world how wonderful and great they are. They appear to be deeply in love with themselves.

2. Observe if they always seek compliments. Narcissists constantly place themselves in situations where their grandiose self-concepts can be affirmed.

3. See if they are self promoters. They will constantly point out the evidence of their self superiority. They will also amplify positive feedback and downplay the negative.

4. Observe how they act around others. Narcissists have a cynical and unsympathetic view of others. They are insensitive to other people's concerns.

5. See how they act around loss. When defeated, they will put down their competitors, even if it they face long-term social consequences for their actions.

6. See if they try to convince you that everyone loves them. Narcissists walk around try to convince themselves that everyone loves them when they actually have a hard time believing that is possible.

These traits are all Tila's... She will never change no matter how she tries. What will happen is, she'll realise that now that she's trying to have a clean image, her "popularity" has gone down because she's no longer that exciting. So what she'll do is, create a BIG drama that will get stupid people's attention again. Not long to go before that happens...


Joann said...

Thanks for the link Monique. Tila is beyond boring and her pics and videos of herself are equally boring.

It's the same BS over and over again. Her coming out of some nite spot getting in her car blowing a kiss, her posing sideways at some event she crashed or bought a ticket for and blowing a kiss, etc. It's gets old real fast.

She's on overkill with all the pictures she takes of herself and the stupid videos she makes and put on her piece of crap blog.

But what can you expect when all she's ever done was take nude/near nude pictures for magazines, get more friends on Myspace than anyone else...*rolling eyes*...and have a bi-sexual reality show...all of which does not require any REAL talent at all.

She keeps trying to convince herself and others she has talent and will make it big but she's over and done. Just waiting for her to fall down.


Hannah said...

She's now trying to ride Charlie Sheen's coattails. Yep, I'm sure that movie career is going so well if she needs to be one of Charlie Sheen's porn stars just to stay in the press and get food and drug money.

And I would say either the comments a couple of months back about her getting fat either went to her head or she's heavily using again because that girl is a stick figure in those Roxbury pics.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

Better article. ;)

I think I figured out why she didn't announce her iPhone app until today. She says it is free for the next 2 weeks. I bet it was actually free for 1 month. So she cheated her AOIs out of 2 extra weeks of free downloads. Can't wait to see all the contest for free prizes that she will have. I seem to remember that she was going to have "awesome giveaways" on her flog.


Anonymous said...

does anyone know what the blog post was that some alleged staff member posted and she didn't "condone" so took it down?


Unknown said...

"Love and respect are earned, not given."



Michelle said...

Deluwiel, it was the Charlie sheen post I'm guessing. She didn't get a lot of great responses from the twit army and some dare I say it were actually questioning why she would want to be exposed to his circus life...
So delete delete delete here's the phone app, monkeys are fed ad she escapes once again. It's terrifying how goldfish like the army's memories are. All she has to do is to distract them and hey presto they forget they were starting to question her morals


@OfficialMsTuna said...

Since Tina can't take a sh*t without telling Radaronline...


Joann said...

Thanks for the link Monique...I'm betting her music video is going to be just like everything else she tries to do....a dismal failure.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

I agree Joann, but how could it even be a "success"? She is releasing a music video for a non-original song that she put out almost a year ago. The people that are going to buy her EP have already done so, watching a video isn't going to change anyone's mind. I really hope someone nails her on the charity that she is suppose to be donating the proceeds to. I'm guessing it is another "Jayden's Angels". The video at Radar is hilarious. It's 2:40 and 40 of those seconds are for the CREDITS!!! Also Tina has something on her chin. Looks like a rash. You would think one of the people filming would of said something. LOL


Anonymous said...

@QOCAP - I agree that she's gotten boring. I still read her Twitter sometimes, probably just out of habit.

@Deluwiel and Michelle - I think it was the "goddess" post too. It had been on her Twitter at one point and was gone when she ranted about someone posting against her will.

I saw another link about her on Superficial -

They basically showed people the porn as a screening and her walk in on them and take it away. It wasn't as funny as I had hoped, but it's another example of how desperate she is for any attention.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

She tweeted this on March 1st.

"I'm currently at an office "Punking" people right now and its hilarious! They don't know I'm here and I walk in on them!! #FunnyAsHell"

The video is just sad. Not funny and the reactions are downright boring.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

The music video

I can't get it to load. I think it may be a issue on their end.


Anonymous said...

Stepping into the conversation. ~waves~ Hello to everyone. I read the blog weekly and I love the snarky comments about the trainwreck Tila Tequila. LOL!

Have you guys seen this video from B Scott directed at Tila regarding her nasty comments about Rihanna. It is appropriatedly titled: Hoe Have A Seat


Miz said...

Usually a lurker, but for those who can't see it on or buzzworthy, it's on youtube here

And it was uploaded on the 26 February! So much for premièring on MTV skank.


Miz said...

oh, and the surprise ending is... *drumroll* sweet eff a.

There wasn't one part of out it that wasn't awful.


Anonymous said...

so, the "surprise" ending was pretty much given away in the behind the scenes shots anyway.

First and foremost - Tila can't sing. At all. She puts about as much emotion and feeling into this song as a rock, sitting there lip syncing and twisting her hair. A lot of wasted potential here. Could have been an extremely powerful video for a haunting, heartfelt song but it turns out pretty ho-hum. And I would say that if anyone else was doing the song. Sorry, Tila. This one fell flat.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

Just got up (don't judge) and I can watch it on Buzzworthy now. I honestly try to view anything Tina objectively as possible. I must say this sucked even worse than I expected. I can't sing to save my life, so I usually give props to those who can at least carry a note. This song is so autotuned it could be me singing it. You're right deluwiel all she does is twirl her hair and look to the side. There was absolutely no chemistry between the two. I guess it is hard for her to fake passion unless you are paying her cash. I couldn't hear what was being said in the beginning except for Tina saying "You promise?". So the sound sucked. The set design didn't look realistic with a fridge that had 3 items in it, to the poster of a cat on the wall. Of course the worse part is what Tina was hyping and that's the storyline. How the hell is that empowering? Fighting violence with violence? Tina you better hope one of your idiot army members doesn't watch the video and decides to emulate you, thinking that there would be no repercussions. I don't know of one state where if you lay your hands on someone in a domestic situation you won't get arrested. But I guess in Tina's World stabbing someone is cool with the police and if you get really drunk and someone tries to stop you from driving you scream "domestic violence". Just ask Shawne Merriman.


Strands said...

how was the ending a surprise to the music video?

Also, she can not act or lip sync... half the time the song would keep going but her mouth didnt start moving yet. That is probably more of the editors job, but come on....

Also, if that dude was stabbed badly, he would have bleed a lot more...just saying...


Joann said...

Oh lord..watched the video a little while ago. I had no doubts this video would be trash.

Tila was talk-singing, her voice sound like she had been inhaling helium and she was twirling her hair and trying to look sexy at the camera. LOL

I couldn't hear what they were saying when her and her boyfriend woke up but I guess the dude did something to upset her the night before because he fixed her breakfast in bed that consists of a few strawberries,a banana and gave her some Ralph's roses.

When they fought again she stabbed him. Now in what state can a woman stab a man and the police take him away and don't do anything to her especially when she had no marks on her at all.

It would have been more realistic if she had a black eye or made some cuts on her arm like she did for her fake suicide attempt so she could say it was in self=defense. Sending the wrong message skank.

Did anyone notice the ring she had on? Wasn't that the same ring she claimed Casey gave her when they were engaged and isn't that headboard in the bedroom the same headboard in her porn movie? Think they filmed this at her house?


@OfficialMsTuna said...

@Joanne picture of the headboard used in the porno.


BigPoppaPhat said...

I only watched the first :45 then I couldn't take it anymore


Joann said...

Thanks Monique..if you take away the pillows from the headboard in the porn movie then look at the headboard on the music video(you can get a good look at it at the beginning and on the .21 mark on the music video)it looks like the same headboard which is why I was wondering if both videos were shot at the same place in the same room.

The only difference is the wall behind them in the music video looks like it's brick but it could be a prop wall...I don't think there are any walls made of brick in Cali.


Hyenas Sports Corner said...

Hello all, Sheriff Gaucent here. Just wanted to say hello to may friends here. Gonna created something huge to go off on Tina!


@OfficialMsTuna said...

She left a Say It Now message saying "I didn't mention this in the press release for the video but this subject is close to my heart because I was in a abusive relationship."

Bitch please.

She is also promising "whatever prizes her army wants, but they have to download her app to be able to enter."

At the end she wishes her army goodnight, but doesn't know if it is Thursday or Friday. Funny how the days fly by when you are on a meth binge.


Michelle said...

Wow there's four minutes of my life I surely want back!
One word, awful!!
Guys I totally agree, all she did was twirl her fake hair, which along with her fake eyes, fake boobs, fake lips and of course fake singing voice has made me want to hurl my cheeseburger. No doubt though the army will be falling over themselves to praise her on this.
All the pretty clothes in the world can't hide her tacky tattoos, has she no one in her life that tells her just how bad she looks and comes across?


RockitQueen said...

God, that video is embarrassingly bad. I had to watch it on mute because her voice made my cat lose control of his bowels.


Hanah said...

She really needs to shut her mouth when it comes to catastrophes like the one in Japan or Haiti. Quote "reality is what you make of it, and it's all gonna be ok!" Her saying stuff like this while hundreds of parents just lost their child in the floods or your husbands just got contaminated with radioactive radiation and will likely die a painful cancer death makes me want to slap her hard. Nothing wrong with being and ignorant a**hole but don't pretend to care if you don't give a s*it and just partied the night away because you obviously don't have a care in the world.


BigPoppaPhat said...

Hey she sent her "positive energy" so that's good enough for japan as far as she's concerned. I wonder how'd she act if her car and home was destroyed in a disaster? I'm sure shed be begging her army to help out.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

I'm sure she will announce that after her MANY movies wrap-up filming she will be going to Japan to help dig nuclear power plants and while there will also be adopting a Japanese boy.


Joann said...

Tila tweeted today: "I'm so excited! Headed to Nashville at the end of this month to start production and film the new movie I'm going to be in! #PositiveEnergy! 5 minutes ago via web"

Refresh my memory but wasn't the skank in rehearsal for another movie she was suppose to be doing in February: "Love my #TilaArmy! But I will be busy rehearsing for this movie I got casted for so I won't be able to get online as much. Be back soon! xox Wednesday, February 02, 2011 5:19:45 PM via web"

Where are all these movies Tila says she's in and how come we never hear about them?


Anonymous said...

I looked through movies in preproduction and couldn't find anything that sounded remotely like what she had described about a 13-year-old Asian girl. Anyway, the only movie I could find that would be shooting in Nashville is a George Clooney flick called Ides of March. A teensy, tiny walk on role possible for Tila? We'll see...


BigPoppaPhat said...

You know if she really was shooting a movie she'd be name dropping and rubbing it in everyone's face. Shed also tell us the title, she can't help but brag and troll over any little thing that will put her in TV or next to a real celebrity. No titles, no name dropping, real vague = lie. And yea she was going on in jan and feb how she was doing "radio tours", telling us to tune in but never could provide a link, time and/or station shed be on for her fans to listen, while at the same time tweeting she was playing a lead role in some huge movie. Once again, no names,titles, dates, locations, etc.


Joann said...

Thanks deluwiel....time will tell if Tila is in anything that remotely resembles a full length movie.

She has the habit of blowing everything out of proportion so who knows what the hell she's doing. She could be going to Nashville to service her


@OfficialMsTuna said...

I asked Tina on Twitter if her movie will be released in theaters or leaked to Vivid? I have yet to receive a reply. LOL

Found this today

I predict Tina will announce she is changing her name to Madison S. Garden. ROFL!


Joann said...

Did you guys see what Tila tweeted today:
"I'm really sad cuz I go to Japan every Summer for the past 4 years so whats happening to that beautiful country makes me sad.. about 3 hours ago via web".

Now this is truly sick. The skank trying to get publicity indirectly from the horrific events that happen in Japan.

If this bitch went to Japan at any time she would have made sure EVERYBODY knew about it. Just like she did when she went to Paris, Australia, London and New York.


Joann said...

LOL...thanks for the link Monique. I'm surprised the skank hasn't tried to sue them.


Anonymous said...

IA with the comments that if she was filming a big movie like she says, she would be name-dropping all over the place.

@Joann - I came here to post that tweet as well. That really pissed me off. Really, Tila? You're sad because it's pretty and you've been there? I'm sad because thousands of people lost their lives, and many of those that survived lost their families, homes, or villages.


Michelle said...

I saw the same thing Joann and it was disgusting. I'm willing to bet she has never been to japan and even if she has she sure hasn't gone there every summer for the last four years.
How dare she trivialize something so horrific and devastating. As usual she can't help her self but to make it all about her.
Tila you psychotic evil piece of trash wake up to yourself and look at your awful behavior. To mention what happened to japan on the same blog where you showed your twit army the "skit" about you walking in on people watching your porn is low even for you. Have you no sense of humanity at all?


@OfficialMsTuna said...

Whenever I think she couldn't sink any lower, she does. Blogging that her Merch site is now open. If it actually was the grand opening today I would be of been ok with it. I understand the world must go on and business is business. But she has the nerve to say, "Well, it was actually launched a couple months back, but I have been so busy with everything going on in my life that I didn’t have time to make that announcement at the time." This would of been the perfect time to show some class and ask her army to do what they can to help the people of Japan. She could of done as Lady Gaga and use this opportunity to sell a original item with the proceeds going to help the effort, at the same time driving traffic to her merch site. Instead she is having her AOIs scrambling to buy a iPhone for her never going to happen "contests" and buying items at her "store" to prove that they are loyal soldiers.


Anonymous said...

omg. She didn't have time to make an announcement about her pitiful little merch site? She didn't have time to squeeze in a tweet a month ago? I just can't get my head around her stupid, stupid excuses all the time, not to mention the stupid, stupid fans that just accept it. BTW - I bet she has been to Japan every summer; not for vacay, though - she was working. Anyone remember an e-mail proposition from a representative for a Japanese businessman looking for some company? That would explain why she didn't tweet or blog or post video about her fabulous junkets to Tokyo. She didn't want anyone to know she was there. Til now. So she can attach her name to this horrible tragedy. Sick, disgusting, and twisted. That's all.


BigPoppaPhat said...

I don't think she's ever been in Japan, but I'm sure she's had plenty of Japan in her!


Unknown said...

I can't believe I remember this, but she has been to Japan, when she was dating Casey Johnson's ex, the one who's hair Casey set on fire. She brought back a panda and named it Rambo.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

You're right Isis, I found the info, she went to Hong Kong for a 3 day poker tournament then to Tokyo for a few days to "shop" (aka sucky sucky) in Aug 2008.

We all have heard Tina say she is allergic to alcohol. Check out the 18 second mark.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

I came up with a great idea for Tila! Instead of being called the Tila Army she should call her fans the Tila Navy. It is more fitting since she knows nothing at all about soldiers, but is a expert when it comes to seamen.


Anonymous said...

@Monique - HAHAHA!


Unknown said...

Now all of a sudden Kim K's sex tape is on pornhub and doing better than Tila's videos lol


Joann said...

"Ahhh! I can't wait for all of my movies 2 come out this year! Xox 1 minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®"......Since she has so many movies coming out I would like to know the name of 1...that's all I ask for is 1.


Mimi said...

Actually she did mention something a few months back about not being associated with a company using her name and her "lolyers" were in the process of handling it...if I recall correctly she also mentioned she trademarked the name or some shitz like that! I want to say she tweeted it, but it's possible she commented on it in her fail blog.


Joann said...

Thanks Mimi...but I was talking about these movies she was suppose to have starred in this year or sometime last year.

Except for her porn movie I have never heard or saw her name associated with ANY full length motion picture made last year or this year, let alone starring in one.


BigPoppaPhat said...

Some good points from the twitter haters, she claims all these scripts are falling on her lap, any professional actor will tell you that you have to audition first, she never mentions going to auditions. Like I said, no name dropping = lie, even that little skit she did with JA, that was huge to her. She went on for days bragging about it. Also if she's doing all these projects,how does she have time to be blogging and tweeting all day and night? Also that website that has the database of who's doing what (IMDB) and Filmographies, tila is nowhere in there but what we already know


Hanah said...

Tila, the Mickey Mouse comics you're reading all night long, they're not movie scripts


Hanah said...

I'm no big fan of Charlie Sheens' crazy, mostly because he has five kids. But remember how Tila was always promising to give away stuff to her fans? Charlie is doing this right and spoils his fans, Tila needs to take notes right there


RockitQueen said...

hana, Charlie Sheen is crazy like a fox. Ting Ting is just crazy. :-)


Joann said...

Part of Tila's tweet from today: "Been rehearsing all night and memorizing my lines! Acting is SO MUCH FUN!!!".

Anyone remember last year when she tweeted damn near the same words about rehearsing her lines with some dude at her house all night long for some movie she was going to be in?

I know I remember that but didn't save the tweet. We never heard anymore about the movie then and probably won't hear anymore about this movie.


Anonymous said...

@Joann - I agree. I'll believe it when she actually gives a working title of a movie that can be confirmed by a reliable source to be in production and she's listed in the cast.


RockitQueen said...

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but Homer is starting to go totally outer limits in the comments on the flog. As if his constant defense of her isn't pathetic enough, he's now posting more and more looonnnnggggg creepy comments about wanting to cuddle with Ting Ting. He seriously seems to be online refreshing her page over and over all day long.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

You would think with ALL these projects that at least one she could give some information about. There is no reason that she shouldn't be able to give a tentative title and who she is working with.

While trying to find her non-existent project(s) I came upon a biography of Tina that I think is the most accurate recounting of her childhood that I've seen. She talks of being popular, her crushes on boys and being a bully. There is no mention of being attracted to girls, being in a gang or going to jail.

I put it in a text file to make it easier for you all to read.


Joann said...

"RIght now I gotta head to meet with TV producer's for a new tv sitcom!!".....let's see....rehearsing all night and memorizing her lines for some movie and now she's meeting a TV producer about a new TV sitcom. My, my, my aren't we a busy little skank.

Like Monique you guys think we'll ever get a title or some tidbit about all these movies she has made or is in the process of making? I'm gonna go with NO.


@OfficialMsTuna said...

She is probably turning a trick and the John happens to be a producer with a new tv sitcom in the works.

Here's a comment I found on twitter about Tila's role in recently release major motion picture.

"That's cool that they had tila tequila play the alien in Paul and had Seth rogen do the voice. Good too see her back on her feet!"



Unknown said...

How many "movie roles " is she rehearsing for.....I think she's up to three movies? I don't think even A List celebs have to stay up all night "rehearsing & memorizing lines for three movies.


Unknown said...


I thought that alien looked familiar! I didn't want to say anything about it though, seemed rude lol


Anonymous said...

@Monique - interesting how she (belatedly) jumped on the anti-bullying bandwagon with this self-admitted history of "beating up everyone at their oh so precious prep school" and "I was the school bully, believe it or not!" What's the REAL truth? Unless someone from her past comes forward and tells the actual story, corroborated by former classmates or family members, we'll never know. I can't believe everyone she grew up with signed some kind of nondisclosure agreement! Someone... PLEASE COME FORWARD! It just boggles my mind how she jumps from one story to the next seemingly oblivious to the fact that all the other versions are still out there, ready to be held up as proof of her lies. 'course, I guess she doesn't have to care seeing how all of her fans choose to ignore anything that contradicts what their Commander in Chief is saying right at this moment; even if it was their beloved Commander in Chief who made the contradicting statement in the first place. SMH


Mimi said...

Here's my take on "all the films and TV shows" Tina is talking about:
1. Porn
2. Porn hornswaggled (or whatever it was called)
3. S#!T my dad says
4. Between 2 ferns
5. More porn
6. More guest appearances on TV sitcoms/ youtube/ internet movies/ shows that make fun of her

So there you have it...a resume to be plenty proud of. *rolling eyes*. We all know how she exaggerates everything and you can bet there AIN'T NO "bigscreen" anywhere in her near future, or distant future, for that matter....dumb bitch!


Mimi said...

Oh, forgot one.
7. Music video (sucky ass one at that)

In Tina's mind, all these unimportant little projects make her an "actor" and require hours and hours of rehearsing. I swear I wish I could slap her for being so stupid!


alison m m said...

I seriously think Joann is my soulmate, does anyone know how I can contact her? I don't do twitter ...


Anonymous said...

I also said on Radar Online that I was suprised that Tila didn't mention her 12 power attorneys when claiming her email was hacked. How can someone have their entire life in an email? What a crock of shit.


Anonymous said...

come back Joann, we love you!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Now Tila has been saying that Nashville has had a tornado and she is hiding in a toilet, and she is asking her band of idiots to pray for her.