Friday, December 31, 2010

31 2010 Rewind: Tila's Biggest Failure

Tomorrow will be a new year and with that, I anticipate more failure coming from our favorite mogul besides sucking lots of dicks for more cash (cause, ya know, she's a prostitute) for 2011! It's like, I can't hardly wait!

So, what do you think was Tila's biggest failure for 2010? Here's my list:

1. Celebrity gossip blog
2.) Tila's Iphone apps
3. Tila Merch

Well, happy new year and I hope the whore will continue to act more stupid than ever to remain relevant!


RockitQueen said...

I'm adding my votes for:

-The GOTJ. Major fail for her, big success for everyone else.
-Failing the psych exam for Celebrity Rehab (when Janice Dickinson, of all people, passed).

Happy New Year, QOCAP and Co.! Thanks for everything you do and looking forward to laughing with you all in 2011!


Misty said...

I am voting for:

1. The 30 second engagement to Casa Wilson.
2. The adoption of the russian boy.
3. The adoption of the boy from Haiti.
4. The adoption of the Haitian children.

And just so I actually cast a vote for something that is real:

1. The Garbage sale with all 27 people who attended.


Misty said...

Oops - I meant to say the adoption of the boy from Oakland.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year QOCAP and Fellow Readers... I'd like to cast my vote for her biggest fail of the year.... Her Suicide Hoax. She would have been able to pull it off in the eyes of her AOI if it hadn't have been for her Haters (namely Fatty from the Rotspot) so it not only made her lose more fans, but it made her lose out on Celebrity Rehab 4 as well. (It's said she was too big of a liability, along with the psych eval.)

Oh wait! How could we forget someone leaking that she had filmed a porn movie with Penthouse Pet Lia Leah and Vivid star Charlie Laine? She had anticipated claiming it was "Sex Tape" that was "stolen" from her and was hoping to make money from it, but in the epic fail that is her life, someone beat her to it and went to the media first. Now, who really wants to see Tila who got paid to do PORN?

She just has too many FAIL'S to list! Keep em' coming....I need a good laugh...Things have been rough in my life with my health! A New Year's Hug to you all! :-)


Joann said...

I swear there is so much I cannot choose one over the other, I really can't.

I'm going to wish QOCAP and all the QOCAP family a very happy new year. Let us all brace ourselves for the new fails and even bigger lies coming from Tila's mouth in 2011.

Maybe this is the year she will just...go away and stay off the Internet can dream can't I.


RockitQueen said...

OMG, how could I forget the suicide hoax? Another vote here!


RockitQueen said...

Sorry, one more: the fake Kid Rock incident!! Possibly the most hilarious fail of the year!


janelle said...

Gossip blog I think and Jane's attack. Although I have to add James Franco in there, that shiz was hilarious!


Anonymous said...

My vote goes to :

Tina's well digging

Her adoptions

Her story about her Mom having the longets pregnancy in history. How her Mom was pregnant with her during the Vietnam war and how the Vietcong helped her family escape.

The Kid Rock story

Her Apartmansions

Her major FAIL release party of her shitty 2 song album, that had all of maybe 20 people in attendance.

So much to choose from. She has been promising her Merch for FOREVER!


@OfficialMsTuna said...

How much do you want to bet that the contracts for Tila Merch and the software for her iPhone application were on her laptop.

Tina has been bragging about her trip to Paris. But did she ever say specifically Paris, France?

"Paris, Texas is a city located 98 miles (158 km) northeast of the Dallas–Fort Worth",_Texas


alison m m said...

The TV appearance where she was totally incoherent was my most memorable Tina moment!


@OfficialMsTuna said...

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Photographer Sues Tila Tequila For Emotional Distress, Claims Kidnapping, Death Threats & Hush Money


Court Documents


BigPoppaPhat said...

My favorite moment would have to have been that TV appearance like Allison said, I love how they started to mock her, I wish I could see an unedited version of that. I read somewhere they edited out the best parts of her random ramblings.


alison m m said...

Can someone please screencap Garry's stories @ radaronline?
I can't get a connection to it from where I am ...


@OfficialMsTuna said...

@ alison mm

A copy of the court documents.


alison m m said...

Thank you so much Monique


Joann said...

This is not about the nitwit but it is about some strange stuff going on.


alison m m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


alison m m said...

QOCAP I wish I could find your email address on your blog.


Jes said...

I know for damn sure first fail of the year is faking an account on twitter @diana_king


Queen of Copy and Paste said...

@alison m m You can email me at :) Just remember for those wanting to contact me via email, I seldom check it, so if you sent me one, just let me know from here so you can get a quicker response. :)

Thanks, Monique, for the screencaps. :)


Bannana Smoothie said...

So.. is the lying skank in Paris?


Joann said...

@Bannana Smoothie...who I personally don't believe she ever went to Paris or Houston.

I'm thinking she's either making another porn movie, in rehab or working her "other" business.


Anonymous said...

that she was having dinner with laura bush and maria shriver.

and her mansion with the 6 car garage


Anonymous said...

Is anyone else suprised that she's managed to stay offline for so long without notifying her aoi of all her moves? Maybe she's finally moved on from the internet? I know, it's not likely, but I think it's a good move she's making right now by not tweeting everything.


Bannana Smoothie said...

Maybe she is dead. OD'd from crack or got stuck in her crappy elevator! Haha!!


Joann said...

I was reading this article and for some reason I wanted to share it with you guys. I think you get the picture....not saying this other person has done this but....


RockitQueen said...

@Kat, she's been posting under the Twitter name diana_king, one of those fake accounts she set up. Today she actually Tweeted "RIP Casey my love." She's probably so fucked up she doesn't even realize she's posting on a different account.


Joann said...

@RockitQueen....I saw that on the diana_king twitter and cracked up.

On her regular twitter she said she landed a leading role in a movie.

The only thing I can imagine her in besides a porn movie is a "straight to DVD" movie or a low budget movie with no known actors in it and will barely break even at the box office. lol.


Bannana Smoothie said...

@Joann can I get a screen cap of the link you've posted from radar? I cant seem to open the link here in my side of the world.


Joann said...

@Bannana sorry hun but I don't know how to do a screen cap.

If anyone can do a screen cap from my above radaronline link to help Bannana please do so and if you can tell me how to do a screen cap I would appreciate it. My browser is Firefox. Thanks.