This morning, Tila shared us her narcissistic excitement about being "featured" in some magazine called The Source, a magazine, which, I've never heard of until now. If you're wondering about the Italian Vogue project, consider that as a big typo on Tila's behalf. However, it is also plausible regardless as Vogue magazines are monthly released; but that is not to say she can't share us a preview, right? Vogue magazines are known to have gaunt and tall models. Why in the world would they accept this midget whore if she's not even five feet tall? Hell, this skank is not respected in most media outlets (unless they're trash where she's welcomed), but instead, a joke like William Hung from American Idol. Passing amusements, right?
Anyways, like always, Tila has a habit of contradicting and twisting words around. In fact, when you know she's aware of her own lies and contractions, it's adhered by that childish "hehehe" at the end of a sentence. So, in this entry, Tila claims to be oblivious about her feature in The Source magazine. However, I actually find it not entirely so:
"I don't know when it's coming out" would have been sufficient, but instead, to feed her ego to the farthest level an ego could go, had to ramble this bullshit instead. So, she had no idea she was going to be featured, but added she had a photo-shoot with The Source? This is what I like to call a "crack talk". It gets better. She, then, states it was a friend (with no name) who broke the news first, but then thanks the magazine for letting her know upon its release. It is safe to say this is an old tasteless photo, so I'm not surprised Tila's striving to sound she has work, work, work. Oh, and for someone who googles herself every day, you would think it would be this whore to break out the news first.
Sorry, skank, but changing your phone number (based on your old twitter account confessions) so often does mean you would be hard to get hold of (if not including emails), otherwise, you're so reachable because you have no employment. And where did you go within the last three months exactly? I doubt your imaginary Egypt trip for your birthday or New York was a pleasant one.
So, let me guess this straight, Tila: Your no-name friend informed you (assuming it was a phone call) about this and you'd never bothered to ask him to read the article, let alone, one paragraph? Or, your imaginary "boo" did, but you refuse to disclose what it's about,
I have to go with the latter, folks. And because Tila has another habit of referring someone by their gender or occupations, but never the names (you know, to help cover up her lies), I have to say this boo is a lie as it's obvious shot by Tila. She did not upload a high resolution this time because she's begging us to go purchase this issue. Riiiiight. Like I'm going to fork a penny on this piece of shit. Hey, Tila! Go shove your "feature" up your own ass! My tastes and interests are highly expensive and just too good compared to yours. Sorry. That's the truth.
Oh, and here's a kicker:
From her “CRUMBLED LEAVES” entry *snorts*:
This Titla fan user has been around for quite a long time and is definitely an ass-kisser. I'm puzzled, and pretty shocked, to see his/her comments deleted. Anna, if you've stumbled here, (as I can't post there) I would love to know what database user said!
Okay. I went to to see what possible bread crumb I could find and behold!
aaaaaAAAAAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAA!!!!! Tila, you dumbass! I knew this "spread positive energy" is just a front! Any intelligent haters would never fall for that shit! So, it's true! Tila pretends to be all grown-up, tries to be nice to haters, but in the end, stayed the same by pretending to angelic, creates fake accounts to lash out at us!
I'm sure most of us already knew this, but we just couldn't prove it until now! Visit any poxy website, type in , and witness the embarrassment!
Thanks, QOCAP! I hate it when she writes "and that's why" and repeats exactly what she said earlier in her sentence. Example:
"I decided not to put up a splash page so I could come here and write blogs while the other site is under construction and that's why I didn't put up a splash page."
She doest this ALL THE TIME.
this is an interesting read, in case someone hasn't seen it yet. Especially this one explains a lot:
Plus the mansion was probably just a location for this mtv shoot. I mean come on, she said she'd show pics of/go live in the house at the end of October and we're now past mid November.
RockitQueen, lol her English is horrible and hurts my eyes and ears, and this comes from someone who's never lived in an English speaking country.
Btw, we get the vogue italia here, i'll check it out
Pahahaha! Pancake face dosent know what the hells going on in the magazine she supposedly did a shoot for, and an old photo on top of that. Probably a Trojan ad.
LMAO hahahaha Tina's been caught red handed and she thought she could be slick by deleting her comment as "DATABASE". She's too dumb to forget that nothing disappears in the interwebs. I'm glad you were able to find that nugget of fail from Tina!
Those comments dont say they were deleted from the administrator, they were deleted from the user, meaning "database" herself. Not saying Tila isnt also database, just wanted to clarify that if indeed, database is not Tila, Tila never deleted the vapid fan's comments.
Love your page by the way, it's nice to come here and see even more things Tila has said or done that RotSpot or other blogs never covered. Thanks for doing what you do!
@TJW While database's comments were deleted by volition (as I so seldom see comment deleted by user instead of administrator and I'll admit err on this part), but I highly believe database IS Tila. If not, then what valid reason is there to delete the comments?
"Not saying Tila isnt also database, just wanted to clarify that if indeed, database is not Tila"
Vague reminds me of Tila's style. Anyways, I strive for truth, and clarifications are always welcomed, but I wouldn't hold my breath as I doubt you could prove your case, but don't let me stop you. So, knock yourself out.
I think the comment that the "user" deleted the comment is even more proof that database is Tila! Think about it for a minute. Does any other user have the ability or rights to delete comments? No. The only person who has been able to delete comments up to this point is who? The administrator, who we know is Tila. So if Tila was signed in under a false username and deleted a comment it would post as "comment deleted by user" cause I'm sure she set up her false account (username) to include all the rights she normally has as the administrator. Just more proof to me. Good work Queen of C&P! She is so busted!
I thought registered users could delete their own comments, but I could be wrong. Although I don't think that the evidence is absolute proof that database is Tila, I do think that's her. I also think heartstila could be her too. (I don't think Homer is though.)
She named "baby Tila" as Hottie of the Week - calling a baby a hottie is super sketch, IMO.
I don't think she is either Homer or heartstila. As someone in the comment section of the "Baby Tila" (yuck) post pointed out, you can always tell when Tila goes offline because that's when the "hater comments" start to show up (i.e., she's no longer around to delete them), genarally around page 2. Homer, on the other hand, seems to ALWAYS be online. I imagine him to be a rather dim-witten foreign kid
Thanks for the links hanah. Googled Jessi Cruickshank. She's from Canada but now living in LA doing things with MTV. Here is a link.
Can't wait to see how long this "relationship" with Tila and Jessi lasts. You know everything blows up in her face cause she wants to be the boss. She can't even keep a management team for long.
I have deleted my own comments before and I have a wordpress account. No, I am not Tila either. LOL But yes it is possible to delete your own comment.
@Nother I didn't used to think she was Homer but now I do, after seeing Homer switch from being supposedly clueless and bad at English to typing completely fluently and carrying on a conversation in much the same style as Tila. Then he'll switch back to stupid and immature again. So I think it's pretty likely.
I was so hoping someone would get the comment that was deleted! Good job qocap. I don't know why database would delete that if "he" wasn't Tila also. And why would any of us put it past her? She really is THIS pathetic.
Went to tilas flog for the first time today, couldn't help but notice how much it looks like qocap page lol, and all the male enhancement pill ads. I dont get how Homer and them sit on her site all day and defend Tina especially with retarded comebacks and absolutely nothing intelligent to say. The haters come and go, a new wave of haters come, but these same idiots stay and defend her all day and seems like they been doing it for months.
Anybody ever seen the website called I never have but the owner of the site was on Dr. Phil today.
Seems some chick was mad at him because he put up a rather nasty post about her and she said it was not true, blah, blah.
Out of curiosity, I checked it out to see if he had ever reported on you know who. lol
Oh yea, he has. The post on her old dating site is pathetic and disgusting.
This might be old news to some who comment on here but enjoy anyway.
Oops...I forgot this link. It's more recent.
Holy hell, GREAT catch QoCaP! Just wanted to voice my support for the site and say that your blog posts are quite thorough and - as you highlight Tina's utterly shameless behavior - even a fun read! Fun when it isn't all so terribly depressing.
Keep on keepin' on!
Uhm I hate Tina but that doesn't prove it's Tina, I post anon and I can delete my own comment.
also she goes from thanking them then forgiving them because i think she was being sarcastic
anyways i've been reading your blog for a while qocap, and let me just say that it's fuckin rad ^_^
Hi! It's Anna here.. :) Nice to see my comment on her flob aka blog has been posted here! Database is Tila! Definitely! Caught her out cos Database said he/she was writing a poem the same time Tina was writing her poem and that it sort of matched Database poem so he/she wanted to share it! Same writing style etc... Tina! Too dumb!
Tina must work on multiple laptops at one time!! I don't have she keeps up with all her aliases. And how sad that she must do that. Her AOI is at what now - 6. I had an evil, evil thought today - we should all pick a member of the AOI and make up a new name to post on her flog. I'll be Mittenz for Mittee, somebody can be BeyondBettyBoop and ParalyzedKing. I think it would drive them crazy. And Tina......MissTina, Tinaomg.
Of course, that is really more effort than I want to expend on her, but I do think it would be funny.
LOL...I just came from her piece of crap blog to see if she had put up the video of her "mansion" as she said would today and it's not up yet. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be.
I wonder if shell show us her "brand new custom made antique furniture" made for her new 3 story mansion like last time.
Has anyone checked out Gary S twitter recently? I only looked at the ones from 11/17 to present and they are...different in some way.
Here's a pic for your nightmares:
What happened to those scars she was always bitching about? Then again, it looks like she's wearing so much make-up that it's probably not even her real face.
Also, says she didn't actually make it into the party, LMFAO.
"Other names slinking by the crowd of tourist lookie-loos at the mall on Sunday night: Russell Brand, Katy Perry, a barely dressed Tila Tequila (who did not conquer the VIP door)..."
(I'm done "stalking" for the evening.)
QOCAP: do you have an email address?
@hanah Hi, Hannah. I had to remove your comment regarding about Tila's alleged new home address for policy and security reasons. In the past, addresses were posted here and were allowed to remain only because they were a car dealership's and Tila's pathetic fan mail addresses, so please don't take this personally, okay? :)
@R Anyone can contact me at . I seldom check this email address though, so if you want a quicker response, just let me know from here. :)
I'll never come here again! lol no, it's good you removed it, I was hesitant to post it because of those reasons.
QOCAP: please check your hotmail account.
A new dear diary is on its's hoping for crack rant!!
Side note: I went to her FB page today for shits and giggles. She has that horrid pic/poster up - can she be reported or does she actually have to be naked?
Report it anyway, her being on Facebook should be considered offensive content.
I checked it out, too, and although it's skanky and gross as hell, her wonky tits and herpes crotch are covered, so no violation there. But, report it and see what happens.
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