Thursday, September 16, 2010

1 Mr. Bradshaw No More and Tila Gone For a Month?!

Hello, folks! I've got some entertaining stuff here that are likely to tickle your funny bones out there!

First off. Could it be true that Tila let Mr.Bradshaw go?! This comment post can be found at Tila's DEAR DIARY: MISS TILA IS TAKING TIME OFF TO GET AWAY FROM EVERYTHING! entry if it haven't been deleted yet:

I love how Tila thinks she's so fucking famous and far superior than Lindsay Lohan! What a nutcase!

Remember Tila's previous entry about filming some lame ass documentary about her life? I thought the comments were hilarious and post worthy here:
Tila is certainly retarded. What else do dvd stores sell besides movies?, snacks, t-shirts, and etc. But still, of course they sell movies at dvd stores! Either way, it's not going to land in dvd stores. *snorts*

And remember how she claimed to have a meltdown? Well, it turns out her meltdown wasn't so serious except complain...wait. What's that you found, QOCAP?

Fucking skank.

Don't we all just love Tila's philosophy of love, peace, and spreading positive energy?

God damn, this woman is almost thirty just around the corner and still acts so immature! This nasty whore needs to grow up already.

Oh, Tila. You will never change. But nice try attempting to be unselfish for once. Still holding that Juggalos grudge?

Riiight. So let me get this straight: It's okay to exploit others, but not her family? Am I missing something here? And unfortunately, this whore fails to realize it's her that's sharing about her private life, whether we want to know or not. Tila is not going away. She wrote it herself that she'll be posting shit once and a while. Nothing is new. It's the same old shit. With Bradshaw gone, this doesn't come to shock she wants to take a month off of...whatever the fuck she does. Probably want to hunt for another innocent person to fuck with and dump them once they're useless. Right, Tila? Have fun going to Uganda and building wells over there this October! I expect to see lots of pictures and videos of you working your ass off! Don't forget to look for some diamonds for your jewelry line as well you STUPID CUNT!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of having to comment Tila's every words, so I'd offered my opinion briefly as possible:


Blondie said...

She is stupid.
Plus I tried to play nice this time :P