RadarOnline has published few photos of Tila's sex tape, which was recorded several years ago. Poor Tila: "I will never make a sex tape." She's been awfully quiet now. I'm sure she's speaking with her twelve lawyers for whatever reasons. What a joke! BTW, her boobs actually looks better in those photos, now they're just nasty as hell.
I like the new layout!
I wonder who sold them to radar hmmmmm? Yea all these years bragging shed never make one, ever. Turns out there are quite a few.
@Isis Thanks, gal! :)
@BigPoppaPhat It's gotta be her then no-name boyfriend or herself. If I had to really choose, though, I go for the latter. Why hasn't this dude come out and say something like, "hahahaha! I just made lots of money, all thanks to you, slut!"
I looked at these pictures on Radaronline a few days ago and I really have to say I haven't seen anything any different than all the other semi-naked or naked pictures she already has on the internet. I have to see the actual tape.
In the second and last picture Tila looks like she's 10 years old in the face.
I swear, in those pictures, Tila looks EXACTLY like those young Asian girls you read about or see in an X rated movie or maybe heard about from someone who's been there, who sells their body for $10 or $20 dollars to servicemen when they're overseas.
I can't get past the last picture - her "O" face looks just like half the faces she makes on the "red carpet" pics. I wonder if her mouth can make another shape (?)
I agree with others that she looks SO YOUNG in this pics. Also, what's going on with her hair? It's so yellow and stringy.
Speaking of new pictures, there are pics of Tila from the Gladys Magazine event on X17 and Radar. X17 pointed out that her boobs look suspiciously larger. There doesn't seem to be anything about the mega exclusive 200 person event though, haha.
My theory: she and she alone is behind this tape. Remember how all summer long she was telling everyone how she's going trough her old harddisk and stuff and that she found tons of old pics and videos and if we wanted to see them?
That's when she found this old sex tape, it was obviously shot by someone else but on HER camera and it's unlike someone else has a copy of it. And I still don't believe the judge story from TMZ last week is real, it's all fabricated and sold to TMZ/Radar by Tila.
Beside that: she hasn't tweetet a word since last week, maybe someone should poke her with a stick to check if she's still alive? Oh and Kate Major=new Casey Johnson. She better stocks up on her medicine.
Yep I totally agree with @hanah, I thought she alone was behind it, and that's a good point I totally forgot she was going through her old stuff.
Hey someone wrote on Tilas flog for people to come here, so I wrote a msg too saying it's an awesome site. I post on Tilas site as Sandra, actually I post as Sandra everywhere I'm too lazy to think up a cool name, lol.
I think Tilas fans are feeling lost, ha ha, maybe they're realizing she doesn't care about them.
Oh and it's too funny that she lied again about attending that charity event on Friday night with Laura Bush etc, it's become another topic she won't speak of like the Emmys. She's such a loser. I'm sure she'll have another "life destroying event" to take the heat off another lie.
Love you Qocap, you rock!!!
@Sandra I so agree! It was actually on Thursday when that Laura Bush and co "charity" event took place and she wrote at the end of her blog that she'll post pics and videos as soon as she's back. And she hasn't said a WORD ever since let alone posted any pics LOL now we know it was a party for a magazine or something and not a charity event. Or am I'm mixing something up here?
Those boring gossip posts on her flog are obviously mass-generated (hope that's a word, English's not my first language) and posted automatically. It probablly works like a newsletter or something.
Anybody read that Streams of Consciousness crap Tila wrote today. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
Some of the things she wrote had me ROTFLMAO. Anyone ever heard of these sayings...a "war-hold", "beagle ship", "I’m trapt in a fish galore."(wrong spelling of trapped and what is a "fish galore"?).
I guess she's talking about loving someone and and not getting loved in return...I don't know.
IMO, she was high as a kite when she wrote this crap and think it's really deep when in reality it sounds like a crazy person wrote it. LOL.
Love the layout (longtime lurker, first time commenter)
God what a hypocrite!
Ok I have to give the skank credit when it's due her. I thought it was something she made up but there is such a thing as a "beagle ship".
From google, in part:
This is a history of the 10-gun brig and survey ship, "HMS Beagle". It became famous for her survey voyages under Commander Robert Fitzroy.
Found nothing on war-hold.
"Fish galore" as far as I can tell from what I saw on google means being around a lot of different types of fish and it was also a name of a fish store. Don't know what the hell she meant by "trapped by fish galore".
I'm pretty sure she's using these phrases out of context. I think she copied some of this stuff and put it in her "poem" and tried to make it relate to herself.
I can't bring myself to click on her flog. I just wait until someone screencaps it. Plus it all starts to become the same. Her army of tards is praising her poetic skills now on twitter. I think for fun, we should all write a stream of consciousness about Tila. Here I'll start:
Alone. alone. alone. in your apartmansion. Skanky-whoreness filling the void. Mr. Google were are you? Leaving a Saynow, twitter is my only friend. Pow. Block the haterz, why are there more and more and more? Jane, is that you....
Wow. that was fun, maybe the whore-goblin has something to offer after all.
I can't read her so-called poetry without perusing. They're weird and the theme is usually about how terrible and mean this world is and her trying to help us. Belittle hat. WTF? *ppffft* I do not like poetry in general, but I do love reading books, though. :)
I usually posts as fuckinhypocrite but since I have been banned again I can't post on her shit site:( But this is my fave part of her poem ...
How many times have we been down this road before?
Over and over, I’m trapt in a fish galore.
Fiddle me this and fiddle me that…
Ah hah! Is this a line from the Cat in the Hat?
Ahhh priceless Tila styles.. yes Tila galore and before rhymes, and so does that and hat. Good job!
BAWAHAHAAHAHAHA - & WTG Misty, haha! ☻
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